Expression of Interest
In order to achieve our Objective of supplying EVERY Aussie Child with a Safety Bag for their School Bag by 2030 we want to harness the Power of Community by working with non-profit community groups/clubs around Australia!
Neighbourhood Watch Groups and Rotary Groups around Australia have joined us to reach more schools even faster.
We’d love to hear from your community group to join us.
We welcome Community Groups/Clubs to assist the Safety Bag Tag Initiative (SBTI) Team to distribute Safety Bag Mates to every child enrolled in their local schools, without the requirement for a significant financial commitment.
*Introduce the SBTI to individual school Principal and P & C Executive in their catchment areas and work together to with SBTI Team to discuss the merits of the initiative.
*Invite the schools to adopt the SBTI within their schools.
*SBTI Team will design and print the Safety Bag Mates.
NB. Only the SBTI Team in conjunction with the School can approve the final design for printing and SBTI Core Team will coordinate printing.
*Deliver the Safety Bag Mates for FREE to each enrolled student in the school in line with the school policies and procedures.
*Provide communication material to students / parents of each schools so the purpose of the SBTI is clear to all parties such as Newsletter features, Fliers to go home in School Bags, Social Media posts as provided by the SBTI Team on the Community Groups Portal.
We welcome Community Clubs/Groups to adopt all or a significant part of the cost of Safety Bag Mates for 1 or more schools in their catchment area.
This financial contribution can be direct, through joint grant applications or through other fundraising efforts.
*These clubs/groups will take the lead in introducing and engaging individual school Principals and P & C Executives in their catchment areas in order to discuss the merits of the initiative. Required documentation and any support will be supplied from the SBTI Team.
*All required formal communication documents will be available as templates and will be loaded to the SBTI Community Groups Portal.
*SBTI Team will design and print the Safety Bag Mates with input from your club/group and will ensure the inclusion of your club/group logo on last page. Follow buttons below to view Mock Up.
*The SBTI will recognise the efforts of your groups/club in “Tagging” School’s on our website, social media and other appropriate media platforms.
NB. Only the SBTI Team in conjunction with the School can approve the final design for printing and will coordinate printing.
*Deliver the Safety Bag Mates for FREE to each enrolled student in the school in line with the school policies and procedures.
*Provide communication material to students / parents of each schools so the purpose of the SBTI is clear to all parties such as Newsletter features, Fliers to go home in School Bags, Social Media posts as provided by the SBTI Team on the Community Groups Portal.
*Groups/Clubs would then conduct and annual audit in Dec each year to determine the “New Enrollments” for the new year as a part of the continuity program.
*Groups/Clubs should copy on correspondence relating to SBTI undertaken with schools.
*A 1 page report template needs to be completed by your Group/Club to the Core SBTI Team so we can centrally track schools who are participating, this will include several aspects such as school point of contact, communication shared with the school etc.
This report template is available on our SBTI Community Groups Portal.